[gdal-dev] Testing the driver

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Mar 7 14:32:19 PST 2024

> At #10 we can see the variable nNum set to a non-sense megabignumber.

Is it on a -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug build ? Otherwise stack traces and 
variable content in the debugger might look like garbage because of 

If it is a debug build, then there's likely some memory corruption or 
uninitialized variable in your code. Valgrind is generally a great tool 
to spot that. Otherwise add good old printf() statements to track down 
where the corruption starts. And given your Python sample code, I assume 
you could more easily reproduce the issue in a pure native context, just 
running "ogrinfo -al -q 
autotest/ogr/data/miramon/Polygons/SimplePolygons/SimplePolFile.pol" (if 
it doesn't crash, try running it under gdb or valgrind)

My software is free, but my time generally not.
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