<div><A href="mailto:gdal-dev@lists.maptools.org">gdal-dev@lists.maptools.org</A>:</div> <div> </div> <div> I am a student from China PR, I have got a problem on dealing hdf4 format with GDAL.</div> <div> I downloaded a gdal package from <A href="http://www.gdal.org/dl">www.gdal.org/dl</A> ,after unzip the gdal131.zip I found a file named makefile.opt. in this file it says </div> <div> </div> <div># Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 4 support.<BR>#HDF4_DIR = D:\warmerda\HDF41r5<BR>#HDF4_LIB = /LIBPATH:$(HDF4_DIR)\lib Ws2_32.lib</div> <div> </div> <div>I have downloaded the HDF42r1 from NCSA,I set it in C:/myhdfstuff ,and I can access the hdf files using the HDF library,and I change HDF4_DIR and HDF4_LIB into </div> <div># Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA
HDF Release 4 support.<BR>HDF4_DIR = C:\MyHDFStuff\HDF42r1\hdf4lib\debug<BR>HDF4_LIB = C:\MyHDFStuff\HDF42r1\hdf4lib\debug\lib C:\MyHDFStuff\HDF42r1\hdf4lib\release\lib Ws2_32.lib</div> <div> </div> <div>then I run "nmake /f makefile.vc " , A link error always occured ,why this happened, when I comment the line of HDF4_DIR HDF4_LIB,I can run the commands "nmake /f makefile.vc" ,"nmake /f makefile.vc install " ,'" nmake /f makefile.vc devinstall" successfully, and I can use GDAL access the .img (HFA) files .</div> <div> </div> <div>what should I do if I want to use gdal support hdf4 and hdf5?</div> <div> </div> <div>Looking forward for your reply!!</div>
<div> </div> <div> Xiongfei Wen</div>
<div> 2006-9-25</div> <div> </div> <div> </div><p> 
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