<div class="msg Nth">Hi List,<br>after my last exam, I'm back working on GDAL ImageIO integration proposal.<br><br>I have some questions...<br>I'm using a 12
bit Jpeg2k sample, which shows up fine in Java using the ImageIO pure Java
reader based on JJ2000.<br><br>When opening this image with OpenEV or using
gdalinfo, it says that the image is 8 bit.<br>When using JAVA GDAL Bindings the
image seems to be 16 bit since the Data Type we get is <em>GDT_UInt16</em> . With no surprise the
displayed image is darker than expected.<br><br>Why such a difference? (We are
using ERMapper jpeg2k driver on all these experiments)<br><br><br>As an aside,
is it normal that I do not get any metadata back using the Java Bindings for
this jp2 image? I iwas hoping to get information about the image type directly
from metadata.<br><br>What can I do to know in advance from GDAL that this image
is 12 bit?<br><br><br><br>Any suggestion?<br><br>Thanks a lot.<br><br><br>Best