<pre class="literal-block">Hi,<br><br>I converted a GeoTiff to a Erdas Imagine format by running the below statement: <br><br>gdal_translate -of HFA original.tif tiled.img</pre><br clear="all">I then build internal overviews to the image file by running:
<br>gdaladdo -r average tiled.img 2 4 8 16 32 64 128<br><br>My concern is that it counts down from 0... to 90... 3 times but never reaches 100 - done. When I run the same command against the GeoTiff it counts once from 0... to 90...100 - done. I have successfully opened both files in OpenEV_FW and they look identical.
<br><br>Thanks,<br>-- <br>John J. Mitchell