Yep, someone totally gave me some bad files. Both of them that were
given to me were bad, so now I went and got another 19 mb file, which
is recognized. <br><br>I'm really sorry to take the time on simply a bad file.
<br><br>Unfortunately, though, I'm not quite ready for translation, so now I really need some help.<br><br>[root@niceguy apps]# ./gdal_translate -of netCDF no2track20060101.hdf <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">
</a><br>Input file size is 512, 512<br>Input file has no bands, and so cannot be translated.<br><br>no
bands? I'm completely unfamiliar with HDF, but from what limited I
know of bands, I can't see why it's stopping the translation.
<br><br>Any idea I can do for this, just to translate it to netCDF?<br><br>Thanks again for all the help.<br><span class="sg">-Ed</span>