Dear Colleagues !<br><br>I try to create geometry object using wkt-string. I do <br> OGRGeometry * poOGRGeom;<br> const char* obWkt = "POLYGON((...,...))";<br> char * pszWkt = new char [strlen (obWkt)];<br>
strncpy (pszWkt, obWkt, strlen (obWkt));<br> OGRSpatialReference *ref = new OGRSpatialReference ();<br><br> OGRErr ier = OGRGeometryFactory::createFromWkt (&pszWkt, ref, &poOGRGeom);<br> if (ier == OGRERR_NONE)
<br> {<br> char ** wkt = new char*;<br> wkt[0] = new char[1000];<br> poOGRGeom->exportToWkt (wkt);<br> ...<br> }<br><br>This code works fine under Linux, but under Windows (Visual Studio 2003) it fails on call of any function-member OGRGeometry class. Where is the troubles ?
<br><br>-- <br>Best regards,<br>Sincerely yours,<br>Yuriy Rusinov