<div>I'm trying to a shapefile to KML. The Shapefile driver indicates that "If a .prj files (...) is present, it will be read and used to associate a projection with features.". In addition, the OGR KML driver documentation says "All OGR KML output will be presented in EPSG:4326.".
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<div>Let's say the input files are myshape.shp, myshape.shx, myshape.dbf and myshape.prj and I try "ogr2ogr -f kml out.kml myshape.shp".</div>
<div>then the resulting coordinates are still in the source coordinate system: Why? I espected that theya re transformed to WGS84 according to the documentation mentioned.</div>
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<div>This is what finally worked: "ogr2ogr -f kml del_prairie.kml del_prairie.shp -s_srs EPSG:21781 -t_srs EPSG:4326". But indicating "-s_srs EPSG:21781" seems to me redundant to the existing file myshape.prj
. Any explanations?</div>
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<div>-- Stefan</div>