I've been mercilessly beating a dead horse on a couple of lists about some weird artifacts that I'm getting when doing reprojections in Mapserver from epsg:4326 to epsg:900913. It's recently come to my attention that something was discussed in an IRC chat that might be pertinent to this issue, and I was hoping I could test it. Specifically, it relates to SOURCE_EXTRA, and although the conversation at the time dealt with issues at the International dateline, I think it might also manifest itself in other edge cases (literal edges). ;).<br>
<br>I would like to know if it is possible to set SOURCE_EXTRA to something other than 1 at compile time? I do not see it listed as an option in the configure documentation, but perhaps I could edit a file, or pass in the flag anyhow?<br>
<br>Thanks in advance,<br><br>Roger<br>--<br><br><br>