I'm trying to merge about 345 tifs NED 10M data for the continental U.S. I processed the data from ArcInfo Grid to tif (see bottom for the output of one of the tifs from gdalinfo) using gdal_translate. The error below is generated from the attempted merge, how I do build GDAL with BigTiff support? Also I noticed my windows version of the tool supports the --optfile parameter, but not the linux python script version. Can this command handle all 345 files on one command? Are there other best practices methods that I should be aware of, I prefer to process on the linux system since they, but am open to processing on windows. Whatever works.<br>
<br><br><b>Sample command parameters I'm passing to gdal_merge.py</b><br>gdal_merge.py -o big2.tif -of GTIFF -co BIGTIFF=YES -co TILE=YES -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -co PREDICTOR=2 -co BLOCKXSIZE=128 -co BLOCKYSIZE=128 demgrid_101_1.tif demgrid_101_2.tif demgrid_101_3.tif demgrid_102_1.tif demgrid_102_2.tif demgrid_102_3.tif demgrid_103_1.tif demgrid_103_2.tif demgrid_103_3.tif demgrid_104_1.tif<br>
Warning 6: BIGTIFF requested, but GDAL built without BigTIFF<br>enabled libtiff, request ignored.<br>Segmentation fault<br><br><br><br><b>Output of one of the images passed to the gdal_merge.py from gdalinfo</b><br>gdalinfo demgrid_101_1.tif<br>
Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF<br>Files: demgrid_101_1.tif<br>Size is 32400, 10800<br>Coordinate System is:<br>GEOGCS["NAD83",<br> DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",<br> SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.2572221010042,<br>
AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],<br> AUTHORITY["EPSG","6269"]],<br> PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],<br> UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],<br> AUTHORITY["EPSG","4269"]]<br>
Origin = (-120.000000000014793,47.000000000075204)<br>Pixel Size = (0.000092592592600,-0.000092592592600)<br>Metadata:<br> AREA_OR_POINT=Area<br>Image Structure Metadata:<br> INTERLEAVE=BAND<br>Corner Coordinates:<br>Upper Left (-120.0000000, 47.0000000) (120d 0'0.00"W, 47d 0'0.00"N)<br>
Lower Left (-120.0000000, 46.0000000) (120d 0'0.00"W, 46d 0'0.00"N)<br>Upper Right (-117.0000000, 47.0000000) (117d 0'0.00"W, 47d 0'0.00"N)<br>Lower Right (-117.0000000, 46.0000000) (117d 0'0.00"W, 46d 0'0.00"N)<br>
Center (-118.5000000, 46.5000000) (118d30'0.00"W, 46d30'0.00"N)<br>Band 1 Block=32400x1 Type=Int16, ColorInterp=Gray<br> NoData Value=-3.4028234663852886e+38<br> Metadata:<br> LAYER_TYPE=athematic<br>