.hmmessage P
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I have a geotiff (exported from arcgis) which has this medata (output from gdalinfo):<br><br>Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF<br>Files: BasinOverlay.tif<br>Size is 15488, 9788<br>Coordinate System is:<br>GEOGCS["WGS 84",<br> DATUM["WGS_1984",<br> SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.2572235630016,<br> AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],<br> AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],<br> PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],<br> UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],<br> AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]<br>Origin = (-0.001782845184388,0.001173508094395)<br>Pixel Size = (0.000000224060325,-0.000000224056112)<br>Metadata:<br> AREA_OR_POINT=Area<br> TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION=1200<br> TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION=1200<br> TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT=2 (pixels/inch)<br>Image Structure Metadata:<br> INTERLEAVE=PIXEL<br>Corner Coordinates:<br>Upper Left ( -0.0017828, 0.0011735) ( 0d 0'6.42"W, 0d 0'4.22"N)<br>Lower Left ( -0.0017828, -0.0010196) ( 0d 0'6.42"W, 0d 0'3.67"S)<br>Upper Right ( 0.0016874, 0.0011735) ( 0d 0'6.07"E, 0d 0'4.22"N)<br>Lower Right ( 0.0016874, -0.0010196) ( 0d 0'6.07"E, 0d 0'3.67"S)<br>Center ( -0.0000477, 0.0000770) ( 0d 0'0.17"W, 0d 0'0.28"N)<br><br>I tried running gdal_translate to change the "Origin" (and reduce the size) and then ran gdal2tiles.py on the resulting geotif but the resulting tiles do not line up correctly. What is the best way to handle this sort of file? Does anyone familiar with arcgis know the best way to export a geotiff so that it is easier to process using gdal2tiles? Below are the commands I ran:<br><br>gdal_translate -a_ullr -180 90 180 -90 -outsize 25% 25% BasinOverlay.tif b14.tif<br><br>python gdal2tiles.py -z "5" -t "Basing Overlay" -w google -n b14.tif<br></body>