Hi,<br>I am a newbie on gdal and gis so forgive me.<br><br>I have downloaded the geotiff elevation data srtm30.7z from <a href="http://worldwind28.arc.nasa.gov/public/WorldWindWMS/" target="_blank">http://worldwind28.arc.nasa.gov/public/WorldWindWMS/</a> . The file contains elevation data for the globe. I want to change a a geotiff file from this set to bil file format(hoping to use it in worldwind).<br>
<br>I use;<br><br>gdal_translate -of EHdr e020n40.Bathmetry.tif deneme.bil<br><br>It completes translation with no errors but when I open the file in free tool ER Viewer it is pure black and white while the original contains tones of gray.<br>
It seems to have loss the granularity of data.<br><br>Why does this happen?<br>Thanks.<br>-- <br>Devrim Baris Acar<br><br>