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<TITLE>Any known issues with geoserver GDAL NITF plugin crashing Java in Geoserver?</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>All:<BR>
First, I apologize if this is too much a newbie post, but I need to<BR>
know if I can make this work or need to find another tact.<BR>
I have some NGA Raster Product Format (RPF) data. I have ~45K NITF<BR>
files in this data set. All use the NGA standard compression for RPF.<BR>
I have set these up as a coverage in Geoserver using the<BR>
ImageMosaic plugin and things work fine<BR>
with the demo openlayers app in the single image mode. However if I<BR>
change the demo openlayers app to use tiled mode or try and access<BR>
this coverage through geowebcache (which uses tiled mode) Java crashes.<BR>
I have been able to repeat this steadily. However from the log files<BR>
it does not appear to be a specific file.<BR>
I guess my question is if this is a known issue and if there<BR>
is any work around?<BR>
Any suggestions for large RPF data sets and using them with Geoserver?<BR>
I am running under Red Hat Linux 5.4.<BR>
The gdal share lib version is 1.11.4 and came from the prebuilt<BR>
versions for Geoserver.<BR>
The following is the output from my latest jboss crash:<BR>
> 04:33:27,021 INFO [STDOUT] 18 Sep 04:33:27 DEBUG [org.geotools.gce.imagemosai]<BR>
> - reading file: /geodata/data/AFGHANISTAN/CB01NI423I2/RPF/NI423I2/02813V2B.I42<BR>
> 04:33:27,029 INFO [STDOUT] 18 Sep 04:33:27 DEBUG [org.geotools.gce.imagemosai]<BR>
> - Adding to mosaic image number 46<BR>
> 04:33:27,030 INFO [STDOUT] 18 Sep 04:33:27 DEBUG [org.geotools.gce.imagemosai]<BR>
> - Loading raster data for granule org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.Granule@9b675b<BR>
> 04:33:27,040 INFO [STDOUT] 18 Sep 04:33:27 DEBUG [org.geotools.gce.imagemosai]<BR>
> - Loading level 0 with source region java.awt.Rectangle[x=85,y=0,width=1451,hei<BR>
> ght=1536]<BR>
> *** glibc detected *** /usr/java/jre1.5.0_19/bin/java: corrupted double-linked l<BR>
> ist: 0x24422c40 ***<BR>
> ======= Backtrace: =========<BR>
> /lib/libc.so.6[0xb7e1b9f8]<BR>
> /lib/libc.so.6[0xb7e1d4d2]<BR>
> /lib/libc.so.6(cfree+0x59)[0xb7e1d9d9]<BR>
> /opt/gdallibs/libgdal.so.1(VSIFree+0x21)[0x21ec5be1]<BR>
> /opt/gdallibs/libgdal.so.1(_ZN15GDALRasterBlockD0Ev+0x43)[0x21eb5083]<BR>
> /opt/gdallibs/libgdal.so.1(_ZN14GDALRasterBand10FlushBlockEii+0xf3)[0x21eb3483]<BR>
> /opt/gdallibs/libgdal.so.1(_ZN14GDALRasterBand10FlushCacheEv+0x5d)[0x21eb351d]<BR>
> /opt/gdallibs/libgdal.so.1(_ZN11GDALDataset10FlushCacheEv+0x32)[0x21ea5212]<BR>
> /opt/gdallibs/libgdal.so.1(_ZN14GDALPamDataset10FlushCacheEv+0x22)[0x21eaea62]<BR>
> /opt/gdallibs/libgdal.so.1(_ZN11NITFDataset10FlushCacheEv+0x30)[0x21e0a160]<BR>
> /opt/gdallibs/libgdal.so.1(_ZN11NITFDatasetD0Ev+0x2a)[0x21e0b31a]<BR>
> /opt/gdallibs/libgdal.so.1(GDALClose+0x9a)[0x21ea591a]<BR>
> /opt/gdallibs/libgdaljni.so(Java_org_gdal_gdal_gdalJNI_delete_1Dataset+0x37)[0x2<BR>
> 29177ff]<BR>
> [0xb1875731]<BR>
> ======= Memory map: ========<BR>
> 08048000-08057000 r-xp 00000000 08:04 356249 /usr/java/jre1.5.0_19/bin/java<BR>
> 08057000-08059000 rwxp 0000e000 08:04 356249 /usr/java/jre1.5.0_19/bin/java<BR>
> 095ce000-0be75000 rwxp 095ce000 00:00 0 [heap]<BR>
> 1fadc000-1fadf000 --xp 1fadc000 00:00 0<BR>
> 1fadf000-1fb5d000 rwxp 1fadf000 00:00 0<BR>
> 1fb5d000-1fb60000 --xp 1fb5d000 00:00 0<BR>
> 1fb60000-1fbde000 rwxp 1fb60000 00:00 0<BR>
> 1fbde000-1fbe1000 --xp 1fbde000 00:00 0<BR>
> 1fbe1000-1fc5f000 rwxp 1fbe1000 00:00 0<BR>
> 1fc5f000-1fc62000 --xp 1fc5f000 00:00 0<BR>
> 1fc62000-1fce0000 rwxp 1fc62000 00:00 0<BR>
> 1fce0000-1fce3000 --xp 1fce0000 00:00 0<BR>
> 1fce3000-1fd61000 rwxp 1fce3000 00:00 0<BR>
> 1fd61000-200de000 r-xp 00000000 08:04 356982 /usr/java/jre1.5.0_19/lib/i386/<BR>
> libmlib_jai.so<BR>
> 200de000-200e0000 rwxp 0037d000 08:04 356982 /usr/java/jre1.5.0_19/lib/i386/<BR>
> libmlib_jai.so<BR>
> 200e0000-200e3000 --xp 200e0000 00:00 0<BR>
> 200e3000-20161000 rwxp 200e3000 00:00 0<BR>
> 20161000-201db000 r-xp 00000000 08:04 356336 /usr/java/jre1.5.0_19/lib/i386/<BR>
> libfontmanager.so<BR>
> 201db000-201e5000 rwxp 0007a000 08:04 356336 /usr/java/jre1.5.0_19/lib/i386/<BR>
> libfontmanager.so<BR>
> 201e5000-201e9000 rwxp 201e5000 00:00 0<BR>
> 201e9000-20253000 r-xs 00000000 08:04 940150 /opt/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/defa<BR>
> ult/deploy/geoserver.war/WEB-INF/lib/xstream-1.3.1.jar<BR>
> 20253000-20300000 r-xs 00000000 08:04 940090 /opt/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/defa<BR>
> ult/deploy/geoserver.war/WEB-INF/lib/xsd-2.2.2.jar<BR>
> 20300000-203fa000 rwxp 20300000 00:00 0<BR>
> 203fa000-20400000 --xp 203fa000 00:00 0<BR>
> 20400000-2047c000 rwxp 20400000 00:00 0<BR>
> 2047c000-20500000 --xp 2047c000 00:00 0<BR>
> 20500000-205d1000 rwxp 20500000 00:00 0<BR>
> 205d1000-20600000 --xp 205d1000 00:00 0<BR>
> 20600000-20700000 rwxp 20600000 00:00 0<BR>
> 20725000-20800000 r-xs 00000000 08:04 940116 /opt/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/defa<BR>
> ult/deploy/geoserver.war/WEB-INF/lib/xercesImpl-2.4.0.jar<BR>
> 20800000-208fa000 rwxp 20800000 00:00 0<BR>
> 208fa000-20900000 --xp 208fa000 00:00 0<BR>
> 20900000-209de000 rwxp 20900000 00:00 0<BR>
> 209de000-20a00000 --xp 209de000 00:00 0<BR>
> 20a00000-20af2000 rwxp 20a00000 00:00 0<BR>
> 20af2000-20b00000 --xp 20af2000 00:00 0<BR>
> 20b7f000-20b82000 --xp 20b7f000 00:00 0<BR>
> 20b82000-20d00000 rwxp 20b82000 00:00 0<BR>
> 20d00000-20de2000 rwxp 20d00000 00:00 0<BR>
> 20de2000-20e00000 --xp 20de2000 00:00 0<BR>
> 20e7f000-20e82000 --xp 20e7f000 00:00 0<BR>
> 20e82000-20f00000 rwxp 20e82000 00:00 0<BR>
> 20f00000-21700000 r-xs 00000000 08:04 810257 /tmp/Geotools/Databases/HSQL/EP<BR>
> SG.data<BR>
> 21700000-217f6000 rwxp 21700000 00:00 0<BR>
> 217f6000-21800000 --xp 217f6000 00:00 0<BR>
> 21800000-21900000 rwxp 21800000 00:00 0<BR>
> 2197f000-21982000 --xp 2197f000 00:00 0<BR>
> 21982000-21aff000 rwxp 21982000 00:00 0<BR>
> 21aff000-21b00000 --xp 21aff000 00:00 0<BR>
> 21b07000-21b1c000 r-xp 00000000 08:04 356333 /usr/java/jre1.5.0_19/lib/i386/<BR>
> libdcpr.so<BR>
> 21b1c000-21b2f000 rwxp 00014000 08:04 356333 /usr/java/jre1.5.0_19/lib/i386/<BR>
> libdcpr.so<BR>
> 21b2f000-21b32000 --xp 21b2f000 00:00 0<BR>
> 21b32000-21bb0000 rwxp 21b32000 00:00 0<BR>
> 21bb0000-2217b000 r-xp 00000000 08:04 712532 /opt/gdallibs/libgdal.so.1.11.4<BR>
> 2217b000-221e3000 rwxp 005cb000 08:04 71./run.sh: line 255: 11993 Aborted<BR>
> "$JAVA" $JAVA_OPTS -Djava.endorsed.dirs="$JBOSS_ENDORSED_DIRS" -classp<BR>
> ath "$JBOSS_CLASSPATH" org.jboss.Main "$@"<BR>
========= <A HREF="mailto:david.w.boyd@saic.com">mailto:david.w.boyd@saic.com</A> ============<BR>
David W. Boyd<BR>
VP, Chief Technical Officer<BR>
Advanced Intelligence Solutions Operation<BR>
6359 Walker Ln, Suite 100<BR>
Alexandria, Va 22310<BR>
US voice: +1-703-253-6960<BR>
fax: +1-703-253-1061<BR>
US cell: +1-703-402-7908<BR>
============== <A HREF="http://www.saic.com/">http://www.saic.com/</A> ============<BR>