Hi,<br><br>Thanks for the great tool you give us with the OGR library.<br><br>I actually meet some problems with a specific coordinate transformation : I need to transform coordinates from the NTF Lambert II Etendu system (EPSG:27572) to WGS84 (EPSG:4326).<br>
<br>When I 'simply' transform a shapefile with ogr2ogr in the WGS84 system, I get shifted geometries, compared to trusted sources. After some inquiry, it appears that an additionnal transformation is needed (a geocentric translation).<br>
<br>Is there a way to handle this transformation with the OGR API ?<br><br>The EPSG registry contains a coordinate transformation (EPSG:15939) which seems to handle my problem : is-there any mean to use it with OGR ?<br><br>
Best Regards,<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Alexandre Gacon<br>Sent from Paris, France