Afternoon all, <br><br>I have both FWTools and GDAL 1.6 (with the python bindings) installed (windows7). I have a pair of scripts that I would like to use the GEOS functionality with (intersection and buffer). I believe that FWTools installed GEOS. Is there a way to use the GEOS installed FWTools from my script?<br>
<br>If not, what is the best place to look for information on enabling GEOS in GDAL? Up until this point I have used the precompiled binaries. I have seen the partially completed wiki pages about using NMake and CMake. Is that the best place to start? Can I compile GDAL with GEOS without Microsoft Visual C++?<br>
<br>Any help appreciated and I apologize if these are super basic questions. Once I get this working I intend to create a tutorial for others looking to access GEOS through GDAL in python.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Jay<br><br><br>
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