I received a batch of files that are in a kml format that looks like the "KML SUPEROVERLAY" that gdal supports.<br>There is a kmz flle which when unzipped contains a batch of JPEGs and a file called doc.kml that describes them.<br>
<br>My "gdalinfo --formats" command says "KMLSUPEROVERLAY (rwv): Kml Super Overlay" but I don't know how to feed it the files.<br>I tried the KMZ, the unpacked directory, and the doc file<br><br>ERROR 4: `nc4806-50.kmz' not recognised as a supported file format.<br>
ERROR 4: `nc4806-50' not recognised as a supported file format.<br>ERROR 4: `nc4806-50/doc.kml' not recognised as a supported file format.<br><br>Or maybe I am wrong about what a kml super overlay is?<br>My google searches only turned up help with writing the kml files, but I am assuming the formats "rwv" means it can read, write, and also do something else starting with the letter 'v' -- always wondered about those codes like rw+ maybe the + means update or append?? (And "rov" means remotely operated vehicle? oops context shift sorry)<br>
<br>Thanks in advance<br><br>Brian Wilson<br>Corvallis OR<br><br>