Hi, I’m using gdal c++ API.<br><br>I’d like to implement an algorithm to georeference noaa L1b images(of Argentine in particular). The number of GCPs returned by the L1b driver are not enough to use triangulation(midcourse solution until a better algorithm can be implemented).<br>
<br>Searching gdal-dev mailing list I found:.<br> * In formats/l1b/l1bdataset.cpp there is some code related to “rfc4_geolocate” inside a “#if 0” block. See <a href="http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc4_geolocate">http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc4_geolocate</a><br>
* In TCK 2388 there is an attached file: lagrange.cpp to interpolate the extra points of each line. TCK 2403 was opened but no work have been done.<br> * When I use “gdalwarp –tps” to georeference an image I get “There is a problem to invert the interpolation matrix”. This was reported in gdal-dev mailing list. See “<a href="http://www.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2009-May/020692.html">http://www.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2009-May/020692.html</a>”<br>
<br>Questions<br><br>There is some guideline I should follow?, Should I post in the related tickets?.<br>I could modify the L1b driver to read more points in L1BDataset::ProcessRecordHeaders. Is there a better way to get the GCPs from the L1b image?<br>
<br>What can be done to improve the quality when georeferencing this kind of images?<br><br>In ticket 2388 there is a comment about a pending FIXME, related to GCP in the southern hemisphere. Can someone expand on this subject?<br>