<font><font face="courier new,monospace">Hello all,<br>I recently built a VRT from several SRTM tiles that were zipped into archives:<br><br>gdalbuildvrt srtm.vrt /vsizip/srtm_01_02.zip/srtm_01_02.asc /vsizip/srtm_01_07.zip/srtm_01_07.asc /vsizip/srtm_01_02.zip/srtm_01_12.asc <br>
<br>Everything works fine. I changed the relativeToVRT value to "1" and try to run gdalinfo from another path and it can't find the files. Am I missing something? Is it not legal to use vsizip in vrt files? Thanks. Tested on Linux and Windows.<br>
<br>kss<br clear="all"></font></font><br><font face="courier new,monospace"><font>/**<br> *<br> * Kyle Shannon<br> * <a href="mailto:ksshannon@gmail.com" target="_blank">ksshannon@gmail.com</a><br> *<br> */</font></font><font><br>
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