Dmitry (and the list),<br><br>Using the warp options you suggested does not make a difference. Even SAMPLE_GRID does not significantly change the output. I also tried using wgs84 as the output coordinate system in case it was an issue of being projected into Polar Stereographic: no luck.<br>
<br>I copied the relevant functions from gdal_rpc.cpp into python order to test the RPC calculations independant of the warping functions and any projection system. I used a sampling grid over the whole extent of whatever test image and found that the RPCs do not converge for any part of the error-prone images In fact, with each iteration the offset from the original pixel gets further and further from zero (alternating sign each iteration).<br>
<br>From these tests, I am guessing that the issue is not the sampling or the projection system. Since other software packages can handle these images, I assume then that the issue is in how gdal is managing the RPCs. Any ideas?<br>
<br>Many thanks,<br>Claire<br>