.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>> Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2013 19:14:22 +0100<br><div>> From: even.rouault@mines-paris.org<br>> To: tmassimi@hotmail.com<br>> CC: gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org<br>> Subject: Re: [gdal-dev] ERROR 6: No translation for an empty SRS<br>> <br>> Selon Tommaso <tmassimi@hotmail.com>:<br>> <br>> > doing some test I see the error is coming from this line<br>> ><br>> > IGNF.ImportFromProj4("+init=IGNF:LAMB2 +wktext")<br>> ><br>> > so it seems that the string is valid for Linux and not<br>> > for windows.<br>> ><br>> > I can't found a list of possible arguments for ImportFromProj4,<br>> > can somebody give me some good link?<br>> <br>> The issue must be with proj.4 that does not find the 'IGNF' file that is<br>> normally installed with PROJ.4. Try to find it and set the PROJ_LIB<br>> environmenent variable to point to the directory where IGNF is located.<br>> You can also define the PROJ_DEBUG environmenet variable to ON to see debug<br>> messages of proj.<br><br>Man, you are my hero!!<br>your mail is the best Xmas present I had today :)<br><br>In my opinion in case of configuration file not found<br>the library should print the error on console<br>also if the env var PROJ_DEBUG is not setted,<br>better if it could also declare the name of the used env var<br><br>pj_open_lib(IGNF): call fopen(C:\Program\GDAL\projlib1\IGNF) - failed (hint: check your env var PROJ_LIB)<br><br>Thanks again<br>Tom<br><br><br><br><br></div> </div></body>