<div dir="ltr"><div>Hi,</div><div>My gdal is 1.8.0.I use GDALDataset::RasterIO to read from a img file .The file size is 30G bytes ,three bands,data type is GDT_Byte and have 8 overviews.When overview is used or there is no need to resample ,it`s fast.But when resample is needed,i found gdal copy pixel data 1 byte by 1 byte in fllow codes:</div>
<div><div> memcpy( ((GByte *) pData) + iBandBufOffset,</div><div> pabySrcBlock + iSrcOffset, nBandDataSize );</div></div><div>Codes is in rasterio.cpp at 2150 lines.</div>
<div>My question is why copy 1 byte at one time.and how to improve it..</div><div>Thanks.</div></div>