<div dir="ltr"><div><div>GDAL gurus,<br> I'm trying to use the AIXM files from the FAA (downloadable here: <a href="https://nfdc.faa.gov/webContent/56DaySub/2014-05-29/aixm5.0.zip" target="_blank">https://nfdc.faa.gov/webContent/56DaySub/2014-05-29/aixm5.0.zip</a>
) in QGIS and I'm noticing that there are some that with no warnings or
complaints just don't produce a polygon. (ogrinfo says "POLYGON EMPTY")<br>
<br></div><div>Two examples are "P-56B DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.xml" and "POINSETT MOA, SC.xml"<br><br></div><div>Is there some command line
incantation that I'm missing? Or perhaps this is a feature of GML/AIXM
that isn't supported? I've read that there is little or no GDAL support
for curves/arcs though I'm unclear as to the current status of that
</div><div><br></div><div>Here's a snippet from the P-56B file:<br><horizontalProjection><br> <Surface gml:id="Surface1" srsDimension="2" srsName="URN:OGC:DEF:CRS:OGC:1.3:CRS84"><br>
<patches><br> <PolygonPatch><br> <exterior><br> <Ring><br> <curveMember><br> <Curve ns:id="Curve1"><br> <segments><br> <CircleByCenterPoint numArc="1"><br>
<pointProperty><br> <Point ns:id="Point_1"><br> <pos>-77.066944 38.921389</pos><br> </Point><br> </pointProperty><br> <radius uom="NM">0.4</radius><br>
</CircleByCenterPoint><br> </segments><br> </Curve><br> </curveMember><br> </Ring><br> </exterior><br> </PolygonPatch><br> </patches><br>
</Surface><br></horizontalProjection><br></div><div><br></div><div>If I should be posting this somewhere else or filing a bug report/feature request please let me know<br><br></div>Thanks!<br></div>-Jesse McGraw<br>