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<th valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT" nowrap="nowrap">Aihe: </th>
<td>Multi-layered tiff reading in gdal</td>
<th valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT" nowrap="nowrap">Päiväys:
<td>Fri, 22 Sep 2017 09:55:10 -0400</td>
<th valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT" nowrap="nowrap">Lähettäjä:
<td>Isaac Gerg <isaac.gerg-at-gergltd.com></td>
<th valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT" nowrap="nowrap">Vastaanottaja:
<td><a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:gdal-dev-owner@lists.osgeo.org">gdal-dev-owner@lists.osgeo.org</a></td>
<div dir="ltr">Hi,
<div>I have a multi-layered geotiff (as opposed to a multiband
geotiff, i only have a single band). When i try to read it in
using gdal, it only returns a 2d raster. Is there a way to
access the whold data cube (3d)?</div>
<div>Thanks in advance,</div>