<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Has anyone looked at reading curved geometries from an Esri rest service queried with "returnTrueCurves=true"? <br><br>My end goal is to import the data into PostGIS. We were successful using ogr2ogr to translate the curved features from a geodatabase download in the past, but that download is being replaced with a rest service. OGR reads the rest service correctly without "returnTrueCurves=true", but we would like to preserve the integrity of the curves in the source data if possible.<br><br>It doesn't look like there is any code in GDAL 2.2 to deal with this
situation. `ogresrijsonreader.cpp:OGRESRIJSONReadPolygon()` looks like
it is only looking for a "rings" member, not "curveRings", etc.<br><br>I am seeing the response with curves is still identified as a polygon layer:<br><br> "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon"<br><br></div>where some of the geometries are normal polygons as (I've changed the numbers to protect the innocent):<br><br> "geometry": {<br> "rings": [<br> [<br> [<br> 544413.0,<br> 198310.9<br> ],<br>...<br><br></div>while some of the other geometries confuse OGR and are as follows:<br><div><div><br> "geometry": {<br> "curveRings": [<br> [<br> [<br> 583150.8,<br> 150314.1<br> ],<br> {<br> "c": [<br> [<br> 583162.9,<br> 150317.4<br> ],<br> [<br> 583190.8,<br> 150313.8<br> ]<br> ]<br> },<br> [<br> 583141.3,<br> 150317.0<br> ],<br>...<br></div></div></div>