<html>Hello,<br /><br />i am importing an xml with ogr2ogr using GMLAS driver to a PostgreSQL server. I am also using an .xsd file to correctly import and manage the imported xml in the server. This way i was able to import every element into the correct column based on the xsd, except one, a type="xsd:time" element. In the server i created a table list and their columns with types based on the xsd, but this "Uhrzeit" element's value wont get imported into the server. I checked the type in PostgreSQL, which is "time without time zone".<br />The value in the xml is HH:MM:SS formated so in theory it should work, but it wont.<br />My question is: what adjustments can i do with my ogr2ogr command<br />ogr2ogr_command = [<br /> 'ogr2ogr', '-skipfailures', '-f', 'PostgreSQL', f'PG:host={host} port={port} dbname={dbname} password={password} user={user} schemas={schema}',<br /> f'GMLAS:{xml_file_path}',<br /> '-oo', f'XSD={xsd_file_path}',<br /> '-oo', 'REMOVE_UNUSED_LAYERS=YES', '-oo', 'REMOVE_UNUSED_FIELDS=YES', '-append', '-forceNullable'<br /> ]<br />to be able to import this type of data too?<br /><br />I hope i am sending my question to the right person. If this is not the case, kindly disregard my message.<br /><br />Best regards,<br />Bence</html>