[OSGeodata] geodata schema

Chris Holmes cholmes at openplans.org
Tue Aug 1 11:20:41 EDT 2006

> I would like to suggest the following work items in Java
> (1) Take existing metadata postgis database
Gabriel Roldan (cced) I believe has been working on database catalog 
stuff in Java with GeoTools.  He may have some code that you could 
reuse.  He's focused on CS-W2, but there may be some backend stuff you 
could use.  He's also looking to make it a plug-in to GeoServer's new 
modular architecture, run it as a service there.

Even if there's not much code overlap, it might be interesting to try to 
incorporate some of your stuff to the GeoServer architecture.  It's now 
spring based, which I think should be compatible with what you're doing, 
and it could ship as a plug-in to GeoServer and as a stand alone app 
built on the same architecture.  Just something to think about, I like 
your approach a lot, it's in line with what I've been thinking about 

Also note that the coming Feature Model stuff in GeoTools is an POJO 
abstraction of geospatial objects, and should be rich enough to handle 
even more complex metadata elements, and also be able to give simpler 
views on them.

best regards,


> (2) Use Java annotations (EJB3) to do a data-object persistence bind
> (3) Write a Java Bot to scour the web for getcapabilities and attempt to
> parse the capabilities and fill up the database using (2) (want to
> abstract the database to set of POJOs)
> (4) implement georss feed (still thinking about this at the moment) for
> new data items
> Whilst I think 1 - 3 are quite easy, have there been any plans for
> develop the API for the catalog front end?
> Have you chosen a license for the database schema and python scripts you
> have already implemented? 
> I would be looking to hack + and then document (1) - (4) in the next 5 -
> 10 days.
> Many thanks,
> Norman
> !DSPAM:1003,44cf6db7176231665516417!

Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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