'Free' geo data...

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at ccgis.de
Thu Oct 19 12:25:47 EDT 2006

stumbled accross this one in /geo:


Directions Mag host a short article on [0]doing business geographics with
DataPlace on a limited budget. From the article: " [1]DataPlace, a
website sponsored by the Fannie Mae Foundation (and referred to as a
"KnowledgePlex Initiative"), does an excellent job of letting you access
maps, data and charts for any place in the U.S., and it's free. [...] In
this case, free gets you good looking maps, charts and graphs, and
comparisons all in a good-looking format. These are maps, charts and data
that you can easily use in a report or a presentation that will make you
look good."

Discuss this story at:

    0. http://www.directionsmag.com/article.php?article_id=2317
    1. http://www.dataplace.org/


I did not check what their definition of "free" is. There is an unclickable link "Use subject to license" and I did not find anything respective on their website. 

It would be interesting to get such users / data providers interested in what we do with the geodata committee. Those statistic would be a cool asset for the geodata library. 

Best regards, 

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