[OSGeodata] WFS-basic and geometadata exchange

Chris Holmes cholmes at openplans.org
Tue Oct 24 11:55:30 EDT 2006

Well the other option is to make something that's essentially self 
describing.  I think Peter's original GML Simple Features proposal had 
that quality - you could write a parser without having _any_ knowledge 
of the schema.  GML 2.1 (in practice) was close to this, as people did 
write fairly effective parsers (geotools and ogr) that just naively 
processed things.

So I'd go that route, make WFS basic serve less than GML level 0, and 
perhaps not require any describeFeatureType function.  And certainly not 
require clients to be able to understand to do something minimally useful.


Raj Singh wrote:
> Yes, I've been getting a lot of feedback to that extent. I was trying to 
> hold onto the WFS way of describing data schema as GML, but I think I 
> need to abandon that WFS compatibility and go with something much 
> simpler--probably still XML schema but I'm open to suggestions.
> ---
> Raj
> On Oct 23, 2006, at 9:14 AM, Pat Cappelaere wrote:
>> However, I think that the DescribeFeatureType function and the "pile" of
>> XMLSchema description verbiage being returned now pushes it over the 
>> top to
>> WFS-Complex.
> !DSPAM:1003,453dfae6265911804284693!

Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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