[Geodata] Geodata Mission

Martin Spott Martin.Spott at mgras.net
Tue Nov 27 07:01:28 EST 2007

Christopher Schmidt wrote:

> There is also, in my experience, an irrational anti-OSGeo movement
> within the OSM community, centered around the view of OSGeo as a "GIS
> community", and "OSM is not GIS". http://www.opengeodata.org/?p=198 is
> representative of that feeling, I believe.

....  and the article also shows, how 'control' of the OSM communities
sentiments works by spreading half-true statements, by pretending
something that none of the addressed audience will be able to verify,
or simply be leaving out relevant facts. This is partially being
combined with the general attitude of dividing people into the ones
being "constructive" and others being "destructive" (guess who falls
into which category  :-)

This is an excellent sample for Steve's idea of "community management"
and to my personal opinion it is not a level of social interaction that
'we' (OSgeo) should deal with.

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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