[Geodata] Re: [Aust-NZ] NZ geodata on OSGEO?

Martin Spott Martin.Spott at mgras.net
Mon Apr 28 05:36:05 EDT 2008

Brent Wood wrote:

> I have an OSGEO related offer to host the vector data, provided the licences
> meet with OSGEO approval. I'm not sure at this stage if this will include a
> PostGIS/mapserver/OpenLayers based website to demo teh data & the applications,

The offer I had been posting would run on the same infrastructure as:


So, yes, PostGIS/MapServer/TileCache would be included, but I suspect I
won't do the website design - I presume you'd like to have a nicer page
than the mentioned one  :-)

> What sort of data maintenance regime is appropriate: apply all updates as they
> become available, or is this overkill for OSGEO purposes? Monthly, annually???

Well, at least in general, if a tool to import the NZ data is readily
available/built, I don't see why such thing should not run on demand.
Let's talk about that after the license issue is ruled out and we know,
how the data 'looks like'.

> Can anyone host the ortho imagery as a WMS layer to be incorporated in the
> final application?

JohnG, do you feel the desire to host this on your hardware as well ?

> Is a wiki page for discussion of this going to be more useful than a list
> discussion?

I'll leave this to someone else,

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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