<div>I've finished to write down an initial version of the comparison between WFS and OAI-PMH as Tom suggested. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>This includes an information model which turns out to be nothing else than Dublin Core with more specific attributes. I did not yet check this with other models yet except ISO 19115 Core. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>To me, OAI-PMH seems to be a perfect match, the more I consider it! In my evaluation WFS seems to amenable to being profiled but OAI-PMH is more lean and fit-and-ready-for-use. After all: OA means open access... :->
<div> </div>
<div>So specification discussion could be focused on defining the protocol</div>
<div>a) How to extend the query ListRecords and ListIdentifiers (if spatial constraints are really needed here)</div>
<div>b) Forget version negotiation? </div>
<div> </div>
<div>And regarding the information model, the semantic def. of the following attributes needs further discussion (all are probably enums): </div>
<div>1. Relation (to other records) </div>
<div>2. Type (protocol enum to catch WxS services?)</div>
<div>3. Identifier (as URL/URNs like in WFS)</div>
<div>4. Coverage.box and <a href="http://Coverage.name">Coverage.name</a> </div>
<div>5. Subject (= 19115 category list)</div>
<div> </div>
<div>If done, we could finally decide on the encoding, starting obviously with RSS or RDF... </div>
<div>Comments are welcome.</div>