[Ica-osgeo-labs] FOSS4G Event(s) at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences

Franz-Josef Behr franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de
Mon Oct 26 12:56:53 PDT 2015

Dear list,

at our University we try to implement a FOSS4G group for students, 
staff, alumni, and other interested people in Stuttgart.

After two Hackathons last semester to digitize geodata after the Nepal 
earthquake we plan two seminars/workshops.

28 October 2015 we will welcome Roland Olbricht. As you perhaps know he 
is the founder and maintainer of the Overpass API.

The schedule:

15:00 - 15:45, Room 1/U28:  Introducing Overpass API: Parametrised 
Download of OpenStreetmap Data
16:00 - 17:45, PC-lab, 2/140: Workshop: Algorithms and technique, 
hypothesis tests

One month later, 25 November, an introduction into the application of 
Python for geospatial data processing will be given by Dr. Christian 
Strobl, German Geodata Center (DLR). I met him in Nottingham as well as 
in Portland at I am glad to see him in Stuttgart!

Any further suggestions are welcome!

Regards - Franz-Josef

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