[Geo4All] CyberGIS'16 will start live streaming tomorrow morning

Wang, Shaowen shaowen at illinois.edu
Tue Jul 26 15:15:35 PDT 2016

Dear colleagues,

If you wish to attend CyberGIS’16, but cannot travel to UIUC, live streaming will be available: http://events.ncsa.illinois.edu/vts/video/live.html starting tomorrow morning.


Shaowen Wang: http://www.cigi.illinois.edu/shaowen
CIGI Laboratory: http://cigi.illinois.edu
CyberGIS Center: http://cybergis.illinois.edu
NCSA: http://ncsa.illinois.edu
UIUC: http://illinois.edu
UCGIS: http://ucgis.org
Skype & Twitter: swuiuc
Office Phone: (217) 333-7608

From: Johnathan Rush <jfr at illinois.edu<mailto:jfr at illinois.edu>>
Date: Monday, July 25, 2016 at 10:47 PM
To: "cybergis16 at cybergis.org<mailto:cybergis16 at cybergis.org>" <cybergis16 at cybergis.org<mailto:cybergis16 at cybergis.org>>
Subject: Welcome to CyberGIS'16!

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Dear Colleagues,

The Third International Conference on CyberGIS and Geospatial Data Science (CyberGIS’16) will get started on the afternoon of Tuesday, July 26th with registration starting at 12:30pm.  The conference venue is the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).

For directions to NCSA, hotel and parking information see: http://cybergis.illinois.edu/events/cybergis16/venue
The full conference program can be located at: http://cybergis.illinois.edu/events/cybergis16/program

We are delighted to share a brief overview of what to expect at the conference as follows:

Tuesday, July 26: The conference kicks off with tutorial sessions from Esri and the CyberGIS Center at UIUC. First, attendees will learn about using the comprehensive ArcGIS Platform of Desktop, Server, Online, Mobile, and Cloud software to manage and analyze spatial data. This will include big data processing capabilities through Hadoop and Spark, and a discussion of upcoming capabilities to leverage distributed and scalable implementations of common spatial analytical techniques. In the next tutorial, you will learn about ROGER, the first cyberGIS supercomputer, based right here in Urbana-Champaign. ROGER is a hybrid system, and the tutorial will focus on its OpenStack cloud component that can be leveraged in combination with ROGER’s scalable computing and data storage capabilities. The day concludes with a reception and tour of the CyberGIS ROGER supercomputer located at the National Petascale Computing Facility!

Wednesday, July 27: The day will be kicked off with a keynote by Dr. Michael Goodchild – Is CyberGIS Transformative? Paper presentations will discuss innovation in cyberGIS, novel applications and capabilities. Dr. Rajiv Ramnath will discuss NSF software programs, and the afternoon features a keynote by the Director and Founder of the CyberGIS Center at UIUC, Shaowen Wang. We will conclude the day with a poster reception starting at 5:30pm.

Thursday, July 28: The morning begins with a keynote by Dr. Jiawei Han – Towards Integrated Geo-Spatial Media Mining, and focuses on geospatial data science, along with a variety of lighting talks and plenaries showcasing cyberGIS projects. Finally, our distinguished panelists will build on the proceedings and point towards the future directions of cyberGIS and geospatial data science. The day concludes mid-afternoon with an awards ceremony for the best poster, best paper, and student travel awards.

We wish you a safe trip to Champaign-Urbana. Should there be any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us (cybergis16 at cybergis.org<mailto:cybergis16 at cybergis.org>). We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

Special thanks to our sponsors:
John Deere
The National Science Foundation

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