[Geo4All] ICC 2019 - Tokyo - ICA General Assembly

Silvana Camboim silvanacamboim at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 13:23:43 PDT 2018

Dear ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies and GeoforAll

Our community in the International Cartographic Association (ICA) is
involved the preparations for the International Cartographic Conference in
Tokyo (http://www.icc2019.org/).

I therefore come to consult the Commission's community on the following

1 - Are we interested in hosting pre-conference workshops in Tokyo? If you
are preparing to participate and have an idea of topics, format,
association with other commissions and hands-on sessions, please feel free
to propose your ideas. At the 2015 and 2017 conferences we did the SDI Open
pre-conference workshop, together with the Commission on  SDI and
Standards, we had presentations and hands-on sessions, and the experience
was very good.

2 - The ICA General Assembly will also meet to vote about the positions on
executive committee and  commission chairs. I would like to know if there
are any volunteers to work on this ICA commission (Open Source Geospatial
Technologies)  from 2019 to 2023.

3 - Ideas to increase ICA collaboration and / or involvement with other
organizations participating in the GeoforAll initiative that can be brought
to the community during the conference are welcome.

I also would like to all of you, including specially the former chair
Suchith Anand for keeping this community vibrant and integrated.

Best Regards,

Silvana Camboim

*ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies Chair
(2015-2019)Associate Professor - Federal University of Parana -
Curitiba,Brazil *
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