[Geo4All] GeoForAll Digest, Vol 31, Issue 4

Solis, Patricia Patricia.Solis at ttu.edu
Fri Oct 5 09:06:29 PDT 2018

Hi Suchith,

Tom Gertin and Sven Fuhrmann and I are planning another mapathon in conjunction with (but not on the grounds of) the AAG for this conference.  YouthMappers is exploring how to host that. 

We also plan to put together a session or two with interested papers or panels. This continues into a third year a collaborative effort at that meeting, and I think it would be a nice idea to collaborate with GeoForAll folks on that. Any interest in joining forces?


Patricia Solís, PhD
CoFounder and Director, YouthMappers
Adjunct Research Associate Professor of Geography
Department of Geosciences, Texas Tech University

On 10/4/18, 12:00 PM, "GeoForAll on behalf of geoforall-request at lists.osgeo.org" <geoforall-bounces at lists.osgeo.org on behalf of geoforall-request at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

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    Today's Topics:
       1. Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Gauging Interest in AAG Annual	Meeting in
          April (Suchith Anand)
    Message: 1
    Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2018 14:09:55 +0000
    From: Suchith Anand <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk>
    To: Guido Stein <guido at guidostein.com>, OSGeo Discussions
    	<discuss at lists.osgeo.org>, GeoForAll <geoforall at lists.osgeo.org>
    Subject: Re: [Geo4All] [OSGeo-Discuss] Gauging Interest in AAG Annual
    	Meeting in April
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    Hi Guido,
    Thank you for this excellent idea on expanding collaborations with AAG. I am ccing GeoForAll colleagues as there will be many ideas we can explore for joint synergies not only for AAG 2019 but also for future years.
    Best wishes,
    From: Discuss <discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Guido Stein <guido at guidostein.com>
    Sent: 04 October 2018 13:39
    To: OSGeo Discussions
    Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Gauging Interest in AAG Annual Meeting in April
    I would like to gauge interest in collaborating with the AAG for their Annual Meeting. If you are interested in this idea and/or are already participating with the AAG can you please respond to this thread.
    Hey folks,
    I was contacted by Oscar, one of the organizers of the AAG Annual Meeting, asking if the OSGeo community was interested in participating in the AAG Annual Meeting in 2019. The meeting is going to happen in Washington D.C. in early April. The call for papers is open right now and ends at the end of the month.
    I reached out to Oscar about our two communities (which there is a lot of overlap) working together on projects when I was chairing the FOSS4G Boston 2017 event. He was willing to work with me to help promote our conference and to discuss further relations as time went on. I was very happy to hear that we were on his mind as he was working on the current AAG Annual Meeting.
    I don't know who within our community is currently a part of the AAG and would like some help in figuring out if there is a chance we can collaborate on an OSGeo/Open Source thread within their event. This could be anything from proposing talks, workshops, or panel discussions to putting a booth together.
    The reason I am sending this out to the discussion list is because I realize that this is something that could be of interest across multiple parts of our community (e.g. marketing, geoforall, etc.) and I want to involve as many people as I can. Also, I don't know everything that is going on across our awesome community and would be thrilled to support an existing effort if one already exists.
    If you are interested in this or have information to share around this, please reply to this thread and let me and the community know what you think.
    Thank you for your consideration,
    Guido Stein
    President OSGeo US
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