[Geo4All] Here comes 'participatory lithology' from Tatti, Southern Tuscany, networked with other locations

Andrea Giacomelli pibinko at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 03:37:33 PDT 2020

[apologies for cross-postings]

Dear all, I hope you are well.

I am pleased to let you know about a new project from the pibinko.org
network: Participatory Lithology.


...this was launched on March 21, and is raising some interest at least at
the national level (yesterday we were interviewed by one of the main radio
shows in the country

Combining the mobility constraints from this period with some ideas we were
in fact working on in the weeks preceding the COVID-19 crisis, we set up a
network involving a number of families in Tatti, where I live in Southern
Tuscany, and geologists from other regions.

Since Tatti is in a former mining district there are several stock or
minerals and rocks, and our networked geologists have the expertise to help
us and make some order in these collections. All with a soundtrack curated
by the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band
<http://www.pibinko.org/jugbandcollinemetallifere/welcome/> (our "in-house"
live music section).

It is possible to join the project in one of four roles, and we hope that
during the coming weeks the initial team (around ten people between Tatti,
Turin, Como, Siena, and Milan) will grow...as with other initiatives we
launched in the past: we like to emphasize some key locations where these
are originating, but participation is open from all over the globe.

At the link above you will find all the details on how to participate,
either as a collector, a classifier, an entertainer, or a sponsor. And a
couple of tunes to start the story.

Regards from Tatti!

Andrea Giacomelli
Cultura, Ambiente, Innovazione Libera
info at pibinko.org
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537
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