[Geo4All] FOSS4G 2022 Academic Track - Proceedings

Marco Minghini marco.minghini86 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 08:44:06 PDT 2022

Dear GeoForAll friends and colleagues,
on behalf of the Co-chairs of the Academic Track of FOSS4G 2022, held last
week in Florence, I am happy to announce the publication of the Proceedings
on The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and
Spatial Information Sciences at [1].

The Proceedings include an all-time record of published papers for a FOSS4G
Academic Track: 76! In addition, at [2] you can find a short Editorial
presenting the Proceedings.

The papers published showcase the diversity and maturity of FOSS4G
applications in several research domains. All of them were presented last
week in Florence in two very successful parallel sessions - see the
Academic Track final programme at [3] (all videos will be published soon).

We are particularly happy about this result and would like to thank all
those who have helped achieve it: the co-authors of papers and all the
reviewers, listed at [4], who have helped us assess the quality of the
abstracts and build the final programme.

Best regards,
the FOSS4G 2022 Academic Track Co-chairs - Maria, Marco & Marco

[3] https://2022.foss4g.org/schedule_academic.php
[4] https://2022.foss4g.org/committee_academic.php
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