[Geo4All] Course: Geocomputation and Machine Learning for Environmental Applications -2023

Giuseppe Amatulli giuseppe.amatulli at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 09:45:50 PST 2023

Few places left for our 3months Course: *Geocomputation and Machine
Learning for Environmental Applications
May, June, 2023)*
p.s. I wish to have such a course during my PhD. (edited)

On Sat, 28 Jan 2023 at 10:34, Giuseppe Amatulli <giuseppe.amatulli at gmail.com>

> Dear Colleagues,
> In view of enhancing computation skills in the open source geographic
> domain, Spatial Ecology <http://spatial-ecology.net/>  is organising a
> two-month training course:
> Geocomputation and Machine Learning for Environmental Applications
> <http://spatial-ecology.net/course-geocomputation-machine-learning-for-environmental-applications-intermediate-level-2023/>
> .
> The course will be offered on-line with a supplementary 5-day (or 10-day,
> not mandatory) in-person segment at the University of Basilicata, in the
> magnificent town of Matera
> <https://www.google.com/maps/place/75100+Matera,+Province+of+Matera,+Italy/@40.6646012,16.5651092,13z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x13477ee2482b152b:0x8f6a4ae10da9360!8m2!3d40.666379!4d16.6043199>,
> Italy. This is a wonderful opportunity for PhD students, Post-Docs and
> professionals to acquire advanced computational skills with a Linux
> computer.
> Please forward to announce this opportunity within your network.
> Sincerely, Giuseppe Amatulli  & Spatial Ecology – Team
> *Geocomputation and Machine Learning for Environmental Applications
> <http://spatial-ecology.net/course-geocomputation-machine-learning-for-environmental-applications-intermediate-level-2023/>.** (April,
> May, June, 2023)*
> In this course, students will be introduced to an array of powerful
> open-source geocomputation tools and machine learning methodologies under
> Linux environment. Students who have never been exposed to programming
> under Linux are expected to reach the stage where they feel confident in
> using very advanced open source data processing routines. Students with a
> precedent programming background will find the course beneficial in
> enhancing their programming skills for better modelling and coding
> proficiency. Our dual teaching aim is to equip attendees with powerful
> tools as well as rendering their abilities of continuing independent
> development afterwards. The acquired skills will be beneficial, not only
> for GIS related applications, but also for general data processing and
> applied statistical computing in a number of fields. These essentially lay
> the foundation for career development as a data scientist in the geographic
> domain.
> More information and registration:
> www.spatial-ecology.net (Apply before Saturday 28 January 2023 for an
> early bird discount)
> twitter: @BigDataEcology
> --
> Giuseppe Amatulli, Ph.D.
> Research scientist at
> School of the Environment
> Yale University
> New Haven, CT, USA
> 06511
> Twitter: @BigDataEcology
> Teaching: http://spatial-ecology.net
> Work:  https://environment.yale.edu/profile/giuseppe-amatulli/
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