[geomoose-psc] First draft of RFC4 - GeoMoose commit Management

Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Fri Nov 30 11:18:24 PST 2012

See inline comments . . .
I started a draft of RFC4 - GeoMoose Commit Management.  This borrowed heavily from Mapserver RFC 7.1.
The main reason for moving this along was the legal piece at the bottom of the RFC related to Code contributions and related Licensing management.  This chunk is a Incubation required Item.
Please review, edit and/or sign off on as you see fit.

I would not mind this being somewhat shorter and less detailed in some aspects

[bob.b said . . .]  I did make some generalizations alreadu from MapServer versions.

There are a couple of outstanding pieces that I either didn't know right off, or didn't know how to grab or point at.  You can do a search on "??" in the txt to find these locations about where clarification is needed.

I think a lot of these areas can be removed.  Before it gets committed to svn, I think it should have all the MS specific areas removed (configure.in<http://configure.in>, Makefile.in, Makefile.vc).

[bob.b said . . .] I was wondering if there were some replacement files that needed to be listed here, this is why I left the reference in.

*          One item that may be a extra work item, is the need to include the COMMITTERS.txt file in the GeoMoose source tree.
Can you explain how http://trac.osgeo.org/geomoose/browser/geomoose2/trunk/AUTHORS.rst does not already cover this?  See also: http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/geomoose-psc/2012-October/000034.html  and http://trac.osgeo.org/geomoose/changeset/917

[bob.b said . . .] I had the same thought.  Just didn't want to go that far without asking everyone.  If that is included in the distribution of GeoMoose it would work justfine.  Is everyone else OK with this?

*          Probably already in place, but there will need to be a designated Commit Administrator.
I can start TRAC tickets if someone want to send me back titles for them.

I'm not sure that there is anything here that yet warrants a ticket.

Thanks for moving this along.


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