[geomoose-psc] Thoughts on a JSON mapbook?

Jim Klassen klassen.js at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 08:42:33 PDT 2020

It looks a lot messier than I had remembered.  Theoretically, you need to dispatch the correct actions.  Defining a correct action is definitely a trip down the reading the source rabbit hole.  Ducky?

On 6/7/20 10:52 AM, Brent Fraser wrote:
> (I was thinking of more of a replacement of XML with JSON in GM 4.)
>   My mapbook.xml editing angst is mostly caused be lack of doc (which I'm
> trying to solve). I need to figure out:
>    	what is possible? 	is this a bug or a misunderstanding on my part?
>   But if I can create map-sources and catalog layers using JavaScript, then
> problem solved (sort of).  As an experiment, I pared down the demo app.js
> to the minimum:
>   var app = new gm3.Application();  app.add(gm3.components.Map, 'map', {});
> app.setView({     center: [-12700000, 6630000 ],     zoom: 10 });
> app.loadMapbook({url: 'mapbook.xml'}).then(function() {  });
>   Do you have a snippet of adding a map-source (instead of using the
> loadMapbook method)?
>   Thanks!
>   -------- Original Message --------
>> From: "James Klassen" <klassen.js at gmail.com>
>> Sent: June 7, 2020 9:26 AM
>> To: "Brent Fraser" <bfraser at geoanalytic.com>
>> Cc: "GeoMOOSE PSC" <geomoose-psc at lists.osgeo.org>
>> Subject: Re: [geomoose-psc] Thoughts on a JSON mapbook?
>> It should be possible and was discussed around 3.0 planning time. The
>> mapbook loader is separate from the internal representation in 3.x.
>> a mapbook isn't needed at all in 3.x. You can make the API calls to set
>> everything up directly from your app.js, the mapbook is more of a
>> shortcut.
>> In GeoMoose 3, app.js (or equivalent) is yours. We provide the examples
> to
>> help people get started and to have something concrete to test.
>> In general, GeoMoose 3 is much more of a library than GeoMoose 2.9 was.
>> The example applications are setup to make users transitioning from
>> GeoMoose 2.9 comfortable, not as the only way things can be done.
>> (Although saying that, in practice the example apps are all that is
>> regularly tested as part of the CI and release process).
>> My concern is solely about having the human resources to maintain and
> test
>> two formats as I don't think we can drop the XML mapbook without causing
>> massive user pain. (I say this knowing how many times as is that we've
>> missed updating/fixing something in the mobile example that was fixed in
>> the desktop example).
>> Personally, the mapbook format doesn't matter much because once the
> mapbook
>> gets to a complexity where I am worried about editing difficulty, I end
> up
>> generating it from a web service anyway. This lets you do things like
> have
>> an online form for adding layers or have different mapbooks for
> different
>> users (based on ACLs for layers). I also have equivalent GeoMoose 2.9
> and
>> GeoMoose 3 mapbooks being generated from the same database this way.
>> On Sun, Jun 7, 2020, 09:48 Brent Fraser <bfraser at geoanalytic.com> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I've been doing a lot of mapbook editing lately, and it occurred to me
>>> that perhaps a JSON format for the mapbook might make editing easier.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Brent Fraser
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