[geomoose-psc] Examples / Demos / Mulitple Mapbooks

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Sun May 23 10:52:40 PDT 2021

Hi Bob,

I don't want to derail the current effort to enable swapping in a new mapbook from a configured list, but your comments are food for thought.

With GM v3 we moved away from the v2 "No coding needed (just XML)" to a little bit of code  (app.js, etc) to build a site.  I see the wisdom of the v3 approach as configuring (actually coding) the XML to do sophisticated things was getting pretty complicated.

But if you're configuring Search, it requires specifying the mapsource/layer name in the app.js, and that ties it to a particular mapbook.  If you are willing to do without search, it is possible to write a fairly generic app.js.  This is the reason I proposed the two mapbook-editing-*.xml mapbooks would be a super-set of the the existing mapbook.xml: all the functions in the app.js would continue to work as the mapsources referenced in the app.js would be present in all three mapbooks (creating a need to make sure they're in sync).

I expect those interested in implementing Editing would implement some kind of user login to make sure only some users could edit data.  If the user was authorized for editing, they would see additional layers in the Catalog (or at least the additional editing tools).  The way I've done this in the past is to have a login page and process the credentials in a scripting language such as PHP or Python.  The script would then deliver the index.html and the app.js.  The app.js would not load a static mapbook.xml but would instead reference a "mapbook.php" (or .py) script which would, based on the session credentials, generate the mapbook with or without the editing layers/tools.  There are security holes in this method, so data backups (and VPNs, etc) are a really good idea.

I'm not sure if your idea of loading/overlaying mapbook segments would improve the above process, but as I said, food for thought!



From: "Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)" <bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us>
Sent: 5/23/21 9:46 AM
To: Dan Little <theduckylittle at gmail.com>, GeoMOOSE PSC <geomoose-psc at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [geomoose-psc] Examples / Demos / Mulitple Mapbooks

I would like to reinforce the idea of getting the multiple mapbooks capability, this should help with uptake on the end users behalf of all the new work coming out.  Easier to organize too.

So, related to this, does multiple mapbooks really mean swapping mapbooks, or will we be able to source multiple mapbooks at the same time, in one interface?   :c).   I can see business cases for isolating the editing functions as well as mixing them into a larger lookup interface.  So swapping of Mapbooks would certainly be used, but having separate mapbooks for lookup and editing??

I like the old way of mapbook= for swapping since it's bookmarkable.


From: geomoose-psc <geomoose-psc-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Dan Little <theduckylittle at gmail.com>
Date: Saturday, May 22, 2021 at 10:36 AM
To: "geomoose-psc at lists.osgeo.org" <geomoose-psc at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [geomoose-psc] Examples / Demos / Mulitple Mapbooks

Think Before You Click: This email originated outside our organization.	

I think we have hit a critical mass of needing *four* Desktop demos:

1. Editing - The two mapbooks below should be identical but for their target server. I am in favor of having these be a more limited workflow that shows how editing works in a practical way.

A. Based on GeoServer.

B. Based on PostGIS.

2. "The Desktop Demo" a la the status quo. The demo that people will "Copy Pasta" and turn into their deployed Website. Drop all the scary warning messages, ensure our comments are up to date, and that we remove the "Test code". We attempt to show a reasonable set of data types that people would find around in a "typical" County/City/Division website.

3. "The testing mapbook":

 - This can have the same layers configured in different ways (WFS, WMS)

 - "Test grids" - So we can test scaling and printing issues.

 - Can include stuff that is intentionally broken to test error handling.

 - I feel we can add stuff with a <exp:> prefix to denote some experimental stuff we could point users to but not feel the need to adopt and support long term.

Does this seem like a lot? Sure. Maybe? Why I don't think it is:

1. The editing workflow is pretty dedicated and I feel Brent has put some real time into making sure it is well tested. I feel like that will continue and we have historically had good stakeholders for that functionality.

2. The "Desktop demo" will be a subset of the functionality that starts in the testing mapbook.

3. I find it harder to comment, uncomment, and generally futz around with the "Desktop demo" all the time to make sure it looks okay AND that we have all of the needed functionality ready to test. While, yes, additional unit-testing will help it is very hard to beat a real-world end-to-end test.

I may take an initial swipe at this when I do the multiple mapbooks support but drafting an official RFC may be prudent here.

Thanks for reading!
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