[Geomoose-users] hyperlinks in information tab

Adam Feidt afeidt at edenprairie.org
Wed Jan 30 14:03:39 EST 2008

Hello all,

     I have a couple questions that I need help with.  First of all I
have an asp script that connects to a database and displays information
in the Information tab.  From there I'm hyperlinking and running another
script that will connect to another database and display information.
Unfortunately, when I run the second script from the hyperlink it
displays in another window instead of displaying in the information tab.
Can I redirect the results?


Secondly, I'm running the same asp script and displaying the results in
the information tab.  From there I'm hyperlinking from the results table
to do a zoom to feature.  I'm using the below code in an asp script.


j_script = "javascript:Map.itemQueryLayer('Highlight','Parcels','PID',"
& "'" & strField & "'" &


Response.Write("<td style = 'text-align:center' width = '40'>" & "<a
href=" & j_script & ">" & "<img src='shared/images/view.png' border='0'
title='Click to Zoom Map to Parcel'></a>" & "</td>")


The polygon is selecting, but the zoom to fails because shpminx is
undefined.  Do I need to create a lookup table with the extents?
Shouldn't the Map.zoomToViewString function grab the extents from the
selected feature?



Adam M. Feidt

GIS Coordinator

City of Eden Prairie

8080 Mitchell Rd

Eden Prairie, MN 55344

phone# 952-949-8443

fax# 952-949-8334


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