[Geomoose-users] GM2: TileCache, Google, Yahoo, VE Support

Dan Little danlittle at yahoo.com
Thu May 14 12:03:37 EDT 2009

So we've hit a conundrum in the world of GM2 development.  When we add a feature to GM we like to add it holistically.  This means that if a particular feature is added, such as user drawings, they play nice with all features (including printing).   Printing, in fact, can be a major fly in many of the development ointments.

GM2 is now based on OpenLayers.  OpenLayers has support for TileCache, Google, Yahoo, and VE layers.  This presents a problem as the proprietary layer types have both license issues and technical problems for embedding a map into a PDF (or static image).  TileCache is notably more feasible.

This is essentially meant to be a cast out to the community:
1) Do you want these types of layers?
2) Do you care if they print?

Let me (us) know,



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