[Geomoose-users] msPostGISLayerWhichShapes error

Dan Little danlittle at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 17 10:45:08 EDT 2010

Remove the FILTERITEM, then I'd try FILTER "upper(parcel_no) like 

>From: t faustino <geomatrix3d at gmail.com>
>To: geomoose-users at lists.sourceforge.net
>Sent: Mon, August 2, 2010 9:23:50 AM
>Subject: [Geomoose-users] msPostGISLayerWhichShapes error
>OS: linux
>Geomoose v1.6
>When trying a search I'm getting this msPostGISLayerWhichShapes error result 
>from itemquery.map;
>Did a search query against my parcels layer on parcel # 059;
>msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Query error. Error (ERROR: syntax error at or near 
>"^" LINE 1: ...9454.261772,2143616.71123 1209454.261772))',2240) and (^059) ^ ) 
>>executing query: select 
>>(force_2d("the_geom")),'NDR'),'hex') as geom,"gid" from "parcels" where the_geom 
>>&& GeomFromText('POLYGON((2143616.71123 1209454.261772,2143616.71123 
>>1255434.854927,2200833.463198 1255434.854927,2200833.463198 
>>1209454.261772,2143616.71123 1209454.261772))',2240) and (^059)

  Appears to not like the FILTER syntax; 

>LAYER # Parcels Polygon Layer
>        NAME 'parcels'
>        CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>        CONNECTION "dbname='*****' host=localhost port=5432 user='*****' 
>password='*****' sslmode=prefer"
>        DATA '"the_geom" FROM "parcels" using unique gid using srid=2240'
>        METADATA
>            qstring_validation_pattern '.'
>        END
>        TEMPLATE 'landrecords/itemquery_parcels.html'
>        FILTERITEM 'parcel_no'
>        FILTER /.*%id%.*/i   #begins with search regular expression
>  END

Any advise anyone? 

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to 
live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in 
common hours."  ~Thoreau

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