[Geomoose-users] PopUP y sketch layer

Dante Fuster dante.fuster at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 13:40:22 EDT 2011


I am drawing the data of the GPS using PHP, Java script , GeoMoose API and
OpenLayer API, the popup is generated using GeoMOOSE.addPopup.  The problem
is that once close the popup is not possible consult the information again
and that they are shown in the new PopUp, I Need to be able to make a
consultation to the points and they are shown the information (code and
date) in a PopUp, like I can add an attribute? (single value) and that this
it is consultable for the click of the mouse being shown the information,
already try to create a new layer.

thank you

Dante Fuster
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