[Geomoose-users] Web application error. Malformed template name

Dara Olson dolson at glifwc.org
Fri Aug 12 11:11:41 EDT 2011

Good morning. I am having some problems identifying a layer in my GeoMoose application and I seem to be stuck.  

I have a flat table of harvest by waterbody by year by individual. I created a "temporary view" of the sum harvest by waterbody by year and joined in geometry which I then made into a crosstab so that each lake would be listed and columns across with harvest by year.  It draws successfully in the application (and looks perfect in postgres), but when I try to use the Identify feature on the website I get the following error in MapServer, 

[Fri Aug 12 09:57:33 2011].687000 msReturnPage(): Web application error. Malformed template name ().
[Fri Aug 12 09:57:33 2011].703000 msQueryByPoint(): Search returned no results. No matching record(s) found.

All other layers with similar HTML identify template work perfectly.  Before doing the crosstab I was getting this error, but I assumed that it didn't like the multiple records linked to the same geometry and that's why I did the crosstab.  But still nothing works.

Does anyone have any idea of where to begin to debug?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please let me know if this should be posted on the MapServer or Postgres/gis listserves instead.  
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