[Geomoose-users] Trouble entering variable in custom.js

Bistrais, Bob Bob.Bistrais at maine.gov
Tue Nov 8 11:05:46 EST 2011

Hi Brent,


Found a workaround.  The button I was clicking was the Close Table (the
red X) button, when you display the result table, the red X button is
located there to close it.


Dean and I (and others) had communicated a bit on this problem.  A
re-write of the code is in the works.  But in my workaround, I
temporarily store the parameters I need in a hidden HTML element.  A bit
crude, but it'll do the job.



From: Brent Fraser [mailto:bfraser at geoanalytic.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 10:44 AM
To: Bistrais, Bob
Cc: geomoose-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Geomoose-users] Trouble entering variable in custom.js



  I'm not clear on what you're trying to do.  You want to pass a
variable to a function (showParcelDataTable) in custom.js, executed when
a button is clicked where?

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

On 11/4/2011 3:44 PM, Bistrais, Bob wrote: 

This is one of those things that should be trivial, but I'm having
trouble figuring it out.  I want to add some code to the results table
view in GM.  When the user clicks the Close Table button, I want to
execute a bit of custom code.  I need to pass a variable to that line.
Sounds simple enough, and the variable is defined in the
showParcelDataTable function of custom.js.  But the variable is not
getting through to the line of code I want it in.


It's an extremely long line of code, so I won't paste it all here, but
the line starts as this:

$(".resultGlobalTools").html("<img src='images/toolbar/zoomin.png' ...


So I seem to have trouble passing the variable.  Any suggestions?

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