[Geomoose-users] Adding a second feature report

Mark Volz MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Mon Apr 30 14:43:19 EDT 2012


I am trying to configure a feature report for the soils layer, which will be in addition to the parcels feature report.  I noticed that in Mapserver creates an image in the  /ms_tmp folder, and it is highlighting the correct soil polygon.  However the PDF is not created.

This is what I have done so far.  If anyone sees that I missed a step please let me know.

*       Soils_identify html file
o       Add a link to start a new service   javascript:GeoMOOSE.startService('soil_feature_report',  {'src' :  'SoilReportLayers/Soils',  'ID' :  '11589'});
*       Add the service to the mapbook.  I modified the following lines
o       The layers to include in the feature report:  <input type="hidden" name="layers" value='        {"order":["SoilReportLayers","StandardBackground"],"SoilReportLayers":{"layers":["all"],"params":{},"opacity":100,"url":"/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe"},"StandardBackground":{"layers":["all"],"params":{},"opacity":100,"url":"/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe"}}'/>
o       The unique identifier:  <input type="hidden" name="ID"/>
o       The output template:  <input type="hidden" name="template" title="Output Template: " value="soil" />
*       I added a  <map-source> called SoilReportLayers
*       On the .map report I change the feature_report to 'soil.xml'
*       I added soil.xml into the feature report, and I changed fields to match what I need for the soils layer.

Thank You

Mark Volz
GIS Specialist

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