[Geomoose-users] GeoMoose Printing

Jim Klassen klassen.js at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 10:24:48 PDT 2012

On Oct 10, 2012, at 11:14 AM, Brian Fischer wrote:

> There might also be some limitations with this working on older browsers?
I think we are soon to see limitations with anything working in older browsers.

I doubt it will work in Netscape Navigator 4.7.1, NSCA Mosaic, or Lynx.  My experience has been the FF and Webkit crowds tend to use up to date browsers, so I presume you mean older IE?  I don't have ready access to anything other than IE 9 at the moment.  As the printing stuff is mostly CSS 2, my gut feeling is that IE 8 would likely work and 7 might be quirky.  IE 6 cannot readily run GeoMoose 2.6 anyway.

Practically, I don't this as much of a problem going forward because IE 7 or 8 (along with Win XP) aren't going to be usable going forward in a HTML5 world.  Additionally, Microsoft seems to want them gone (mainstream support has already ended and extended support has less than two years left) and I can't see major IT organizations being able to continue to justify running an outdated and primarily unsupported platform.

I'm more concerned with how one would print from a phone/tablet.

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