[Geomoose-users] Probelms with GM in Fast CGI: FOLLOW-UP

Paul Wickman paul at flatrockgeo.com
Tue Dec 24 13:19:36 PST 2013


Last year Bob Bistrais posted a few messages regarding problems with
Identify/Query tools on servers where PHP is running as FastCGI.


We are transitioning to a new server and are experiencing the exact same
problem.  Drawing of layers works just fine (accessed via
/cgi-/bin/mapserv) but any calls to MapScript scripts such as identify.php
result in the same error that Bob described above.  Apache on this new
server is setup with mod_php5 (PHP-FPM).

Looking through the MapScript documentation, it seems this is the root of
the issues <http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/wiki/PHPMapScriptCGI>.

Bob, did you ever get any final resolution?


Paul Wickman
CTO | Flat Rock Geographics
612.280.5850 | paul at flatrockgeo.com
www.flatrockgeo.com | twitter.com/flatrockgeo
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