[Geomoose-users] Adding functionality to GeoMoose, preferred method to start??

Eli Adam eadam at co.lincoln.or.us
Tue Jun 25 11:10:16 PDT 2013


Looking at, http://www.geomoose.org/developer/contribute.html it seems
that a discussion on the list with sufficient technical detail for
people to evaluate might be a good way to start.

Depending on the discussion, it could be determined to be a trivial
addition and not need significant discussion, perhaps just a ticket,
it could be determined to be somewhat substantial but largely in
keeping with past GeoMoose design and a simple list vote may suffice,
it could also be determined to be so substantial or a significant
departure from previous design that indeed an RFC will be required.

A wiki page might be better than an email thread to iteratively revise
and add detail to a proposal.  So whether you make a wiki page or not
is really up to what you think is the best way to keep a complex topic
coherent and accessible.  It seems that might be a good way to start
and then based on list discussion, it may need to become an RFC or

Your alternative method of building a proof of concept and then seeing
is an option as well.  The drawback to that is that you do a bunch of
work which then people might want you to redo a different way or may
not want at all.  The benefit is that you will have a working thing
that you can point to so you are immune to "that's impossible" or
"that will be too slow" arguments.  Some people need to basically do a
proof of concept even if just for themselves before they can start a
sufficiently technical discussion on the list anyway.

Whatever it is, you will want to coordinate with the RFC-5 results if
that will impact your work and since that is an approved pending RFC.
You already made an inquiry to this list about the status of RFC-5,
 Brian, Andrew, can you respond to that?

Those are my thoughts.  We might want to add this to the agenda of
this week's PSC meeting too.

Best Regards, Eli

On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 9:00 AM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
<bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us> wrote:
> All,
> Would a logical process start from a RFC with description, or should it
> start from a WIKI page first?  I ask about the difference here because I
> actually have funded projects requiring some extra functionality and
> depending on the GeoMoose community’s desired method for adding the
> functionalities to GeoMoose, might dictate Core vs Extension integration.
> An alternative method I thought about was to actually build a proof of
> concept first for community feedback on these added functions and then to
> figure out after the fact (with the GeoMoose community) how to permanently
> integrate.
> Thoughts?
> Bobb
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